ベストストーリーテリング賞受賞!Berkeley SkyDeck Batch15:Global Innovation Showcase 参加報告

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Berkeley SkyDeckのビッグイベント「Global Innovation Showcase」、通称「Demo Day」が、2/8(水)16:00~(日本時間:2/9木・9:00~)に開催され、アドダイスも参加して参りました。
Berkeley SkyDeck・Batch15「Global Innovation Showcase」
日時: 2023.02.08(水) 16:00~(PST)/ 日本時間2023.02.09(木)9:00~
Berkeley Skydeckは、カリフォルニア大学バークレー校を基盤とするスタートアップ向けのアクセラレーター・インキュベータープログラムです。JETROの海外展開支援プログラム採択を受けてアドダイスも参加したことは、このブログでもお伝えしてきました。( ⇒ ただいまSkyDeck参加中!Berkeley,California滞在レポート③ )
Global Innovation Showcaseは、SkyDeckのカリキュラムを受講したスタートアップにとっては集大成となる機会です。毎回100名以上集まるベンチャーキャピタル、投資家、大企業らに向けて、自分たちの画期的なアイデア、ビジョン、ストーリーを3分間でピッチします。
Best Storytelling賞受賞!
結果、聴衆アンケートの結果、「Best Storytelling賞」を受賞することができました。
より効果的な治療を行い、セラピストの生産性を上げるために、これまでResQ AIで培ってきた技術が貢献します。「うつ病」「不安症」といったこころの病の危険をリスクスコアによって、この課題を解決に導くことができます。
“Best story telling” Award Winner! Berkeley SkyDeck Batch15: Global Innovation Showcase Participation Report
Berkeley SkyDeck’s big event “Global Innovation Showcase”, also known as “Demo Day”, was held on Wednesday, February 8, from 16:00 (Japan time: Thursday, February 9, from 9:00), and ad-dice participated in it. Here is a quick report!
Berkeley SkyDeck Batch15 “Global Innovation Showcase
Date: Wednesday, 2023.02.08 16:00-18:00 (PST) / Thursday, 2023.02.09 9:00-11:00 (JST)
Venue: Online
3-minute pitch to over 140 VCs and others
Berkeley Skydeck is an accelerator and incubator program for startups based at the University of California, Berkeley, and we have reported on this blog about ad-dice’s participation as a recipient of JETRO’s overseas expansion support program.
The Global Innovation Showcase is the culmination of the SkyDeck curriculum for startups. At each showcase, startups pitch their breakthrough ideas, visions, and stories in 3 minutes to over 100 venture capitalists, investors, and large corporations.
Winner of the Best Storytelling award!
This time, ad-dice also pitched in front of an audience of over 140 people. We had many internal discussions and thoroughly worked out the appeal of our pitch. While it is important to know “what to appeal,” we also spent a lot of time searching for “how to appeal,” an expression that would resonate with the audience.
As a result, we were awarded the “Best Storytelling award” based on the results of an audience survey!
In addition to ad-dice, there were 23 outstanding startups from outside the U.S., including Japan, Taiwan, and Armenia, etc. Needless to say, it was very inspiring to hear pitches from companies working on innovative businesses such as AI, space exploration, ecology, and biotechnology.
AI to Revolutionize Behavioral Health Diagnosis
ad-dice’s appeal is summarized in the following page. We hope you will take a look.
One in five people in the U.S. now have a mental illness. Behavioral health care is a serious issue, especially for young adult and there are far fewer therapists available to treat them.
To provide more effective treatment and increase therapist productivity, the technology we have developed at ResQ AI will contribute. Our health scores for depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses can help us meet this challenge.
Stay tuned for our future challenges!
If you are a local government, company, or institution interested in ad-dice’s AI, please feel free to contact us! We also provide remote explanations.